Tuesday, September 18, 2012

they call me mellow yellow..

Not often, though, since this is the only yellow piece of clothing i own.

I've always felt pretty confident that yellow is not my color, but if there's a color yellow I can wear this just might be it.  It's saturated but not too bright.  Sort of a sunflower color or turmeric.

The inspiration for this cardigan is here at anthropologie.com.  It's obviously not much of a replica since the original is crocheted, a raglan, and a hoodie whereas none of those adjectives describe this sweater.   Nonetheless, I wanted a lacy cotton cardi and this was the impetus.

I can't recall every actually buying anything at Anthropologie but I love browsing there.  Why?  Because almost everything they carry is the type of thing you could make. 

It took me a long time to decide what stitch pattern to use; I wanted something all over lacy but not too delicate or geometric.  Finally I decided to use a modified version of the pine nut lace chart from Elizabeth Freeman's Torreyana shawl on Knitty.  I fell in love with this shawl as soon as it was published and made one that eventually was given to a friend going through a tough time.  I fully intend on making another one because the lace patterns are just beautiful and the shape of the shawl is perfect.

der, I didn't realize I missed a button!
I'm really happy with how it turned out.  I've had a lot of trouble designing set in sleeve caps but I broke down and bought Knitwear Design Workshop and I think the result speaks for itself.  My only qualm is that I should've bound off less stitches in the first inch and done more decreases in the body of the sleeve cap.  Live and learn eh?  Once everything was sewn up, though, it doesn't make much difference.  The pieces just looked funny before sewing.

 The yarn was salvaged from a thrift store sweater.  It was a very large, very cabled men's pullover so there was a ton of yarn there.  There's quite a bit more.  I see a matching shrug for little Miss Em and maybe a hat and/or a scarf for me...  Though I'm afraid that might be waaay too matchy matchy.  

I took a tip from Lladybird and reinforced the button band.  She used ribbon but I used bias tape because that's what I had.  I sewed it on by hand and then sewed on the buttons and reinforced the buttonholes with my sewing machine.  It really made a huge difference in the button band not gaping at all (my second biggest problem with hand knit sweaters after sleeve cap shaping).  
It's the same pink paisley I used already for a wrap skirt and another darling ranges inspired top which you haven't seen yet.  I love this fabric it's so pretty!  I still have just a bit left, maybe a baby dress?  I haven't decided yet.  It is my precious.  I must hoard it forever use it wisely.

Those buttons were in a huge bag of buttons I got from Goodwill for 99 cents.  They're glass (?) shank buttons.  Yes they match =)  Yes there are lots more matching buttons.  Yes they're mostly non plastic/cheap buttons.  Best thrift find every?  Maybe.

I love the lace pattern.  It's so organic.  It's a three stitch, four row repeat and so easy.  I did have to modify it to work without decreasing though.

Button.  Nom

And fugly buttonholes.  Isn't the fabric so sweet, though?  It's this little secret splash of color.  And it works!

Now it just needs to get cool enough to wear it.  Anybody else getting excited for the change of seasons?

Rav page here.

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