Saturday, September 8, 2012

skirt of many colors

I used to wear skirts and dresses all the time (you know, back when I was young, childless, and ahem, lithe) and I envy all the sewing bloggers that get to dress up all the time.  Of course I remember it took some practice to incorporate skirts into my wardrobe (the epic quest of getting dressed used to take me at least 30 minutes every morning).  That being said my goal is to incorporate more pretty, fun and functional (see what I did there? hah) pieces into my wardrobe.

Requirement number one: pockets are a must

And this skirt has great big pockets.  It started as a 4 XL gathered skirt so there was plenty of fabric to work with.  I slit the skirt up the side, cut several inches off of the top, and sewed the edges down with bias tape.  The seams on the patchwork made it too bulky to handle any other way.  Then I cut a waistband out of some grey floral I had stashed.  I cut the pockets from the fabric I cut off the top and finished the tops with the same fabric as the waistband.

You can see both here...  I'm not sure if the floral looks too random, but the skirt is so busy I don't think it's too obvious

Busy busy busy.  


Of course heels aren't sensible shoes for the playground, but this skirt really looks better with heels because I have short legs and this is a long skirt.

Of course requirement number 2 is: 

In case intruders intrude...

And wish to engage in battle...

A ha!  Gotcha!

And mommy remains ninja master of this house...  for now

And requirement number 3: twirliness 

This skirt only gets a 2.0 for twirl factor.  It's flared out at the bottom but being a double layer of heavy rayon it's just too substantial for serious twirliness.

Maybe next time.

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