Tuesday, September 11, 2012

darling revisited.

The pattern should be all too familiar by now... or is it?  Yet another Darling Ranges (not) dress.  This time, since I'm obviously not pregnant (hopefully it's obvious anyway) any more I modified the front the same way as the back.  That is, instead of being big gathered rectangles under the bodice pieces instead the pieces are fitted and shirt length.

A bit too fitted, unfortunately.  This is the first time I've used this pattern since having the baby so I wasn't sure what I was doing.  Obviously the biggest issue is that another (larger) FBA is in order but a bit more room in the hips would be good too.

All in all, though, I'm pretty enamored of this shirt.  Perhaps someday it will actually fit =(

I actually cut the back as one piece so I wouldn't have to worry about pattern matching or any such silliness. I think it'd be really cute with the top back bodice split into a yoke sort of deal.  Am I going to make more of these with a revised pattern?  You bet! 

Look at those pretty insides!  All flatfelled seams except for the underbust seam...

...and the set in sleeves.  I couldn't figure out what kind of seam finish would work here so I just zigzagged the seam allowance.  It makes me sad they can't be all purdy like all their neighbors =(  

Isn't there a better way?

Pattern: Highly modified Darling Ranges dress by Megan Nielsen
Fabric: Some yardage from the thrift, about half of what was there.  A thin, crisp, cotton I think.  $4 or $5 for the whole thing and I used about half.
Notions: Buttons from the stash. Free since I don't know where they came from.  I certainly didn't pay for them.
Techniques used: Buttonholes, flatfelled seams, bias tape neckline and bound seams
Hours: A few...  Not really too bad, though
Will you make this again? So many times.  I'm pretty sure
Total cost: Half of $5: so $2.50
Final thoughts: I love it, I hope I lose some weight and can wear it all buttoned up proper

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