Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Thin mints

In honor of the boy's first Girl Scout cookie season.... No he's not in Girl Scouts, but he's eaten enough Girl Scout cookies this year to qualify as an honorary scout, I'm sure.  These were an emergency project.  Emergency in that the boy really needed new pants (he's outgrown all his old pants in one fell swoop).  Also emergency in the sense that I was in the middle of the epic quilt and really needed a break.  

I cut these out one Friday night and sewed them up in a couple of hours the next day, still leaving time for a bit of quilting.  I'm still using the same pattern (Little Heartbreaker pants from Sewing for Boys) but the next size up.  I'm not 100% sure what size they are, I think 4/5 but it might be 6/7.  Mommy brain, what can do man?  

I'll be honest. I know I've used this pattern so many times nobody ever wants to see it again.  But it's just perfect.  Like I have no desire to ever sew other boy pants kinda perfect.  That's real love, man.

The material is this chocolatey brown corduroy from Joann's (for shame, I know... but I bought it ages ago and it's not saving the planet any where it is so....)  I had just tiny little scraps of the green left over from a variety of muslins and quilts.  I made flat bias tape (or non-bias tape as the case may be) and used it along the cuffs:

he is actually sitting still here.  the only word for this is: miracle

Along the waistband, between the pockets and pocket facings:

 ...And to finish the edge on the pockets.  I also used it for all the facings.  And the topstitching is totally the same shade of green!  I wish I had a picture of the inside cuz we're talking major color coordination up in here.  On the outside, though, I think the accents are pretty subtle.  This pretty much ends that green king size sheet.  Finishing a fabric down to the very last little usable scrap is sooo satisfying.

I was fortunate enough to receive some excellent advice from the ladies who wrote the book (no really, they actually wrote the book Sewing for Boys).  Instead of following the directions for the waistband, I attached the waistband facing first.  Then I flipped it over and sewed the outer waistband down from the outside.  It made for a nice easy finish; much neater than my original efforts

 Obviously I've made this pattern enough times before that there's not much else to say about these.  Except that I bought waaaay more fabric than I needed.  I think I bought the amount called for in the pattern, but if so then it's definitely a generous overestimate.  I can't decide if I want to make a skirt out of it or another pair of pants.  He definitely could use more pants.  But then again Me Made May is coming....

 As you can see they have passed the test of usability.  They're good for all your average daily duties of a three-year-old.... and then some =)

Elephant riding mensahib
Once again, I give this pattern an A++

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