Monday, February 15, 2010

Ravelympics Sweaterette

1: k1, *yo, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog, yo, k1*
3: K2 (yo, k3), yo, k2
5: k2tog, yo, sl1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog, *yo, sl1, k2tog, psso, yo, sl1, k1, psso, k1, k2tog* yo, sl1, k1, psso
7: k1 *k2tog, yo, k1, yo, sl1, k1, psso, k1*
9: k2, (yo, k3), yo, k2
11: k1, *k2tog, yo, sl1, k2tog, psso, yo, sl1, k1, psso, k1*

4 st/in on size 6 needles in laburnum
5.5 inches = 19 sts on size 7 needles in snowflake

co 140 sts on size 6 needles
4sts each side in garter st, the rest in laburnum worked flat as follows:
row 1: (Rs) (p2, k2), p2
row 2: (k2, p2), k2
row 3: (p2, k3tog, yo), p2
row 4: (k2, p into back then front of yo, p), k2

To begin sl 1, k 3, work rows 1 & 2 twice, k 4
Continue in pattern to desired length

End ribbing with row 2 then work row 1 once more. Change to size 7 needles work one row purl across, increasing one stitch. Next row begin Snowflake pattern. Work one repeat of pattern (12 rows). Place markers on either side of center stitch (70,1,70). Inc one st each side of marker on rows 2, 6, and 8 (146 sts).

Finish repeat then work rows 1 (buttonhole row) and 2 of lace. On next row bo 16 sts from each side in white (k2, sl back to left needle, k both tog) work even dec 1 st each side of neckline on RS until 10 sts remain while at same time when correct length to armpit BO 2 for sleeves. dec 1 at armhole edge twice. cont in patt until it's long enough...
on back: bo center sts leaving 10 on each side to graft together with front sts. Graft sts together.

sleeves: pu 46 sts, begin knitting 4 on top center picking up one st at end of row each row until all 46 are picked up. Begin snowflake on row 3. Will incorporate new sts into pattern on subsequent 2 row 1s of pattern. join in round (worked in magic loop) and continue. dec 6 sts between pit and elbow--> 40 sts. Switch to laburnum worked in round.

all BO: k2, k those two together, k1, k together with first st on l needle (lace bo from bitterroot)

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