Wednesday, January 30, 2013

wip wednesday

Why do i bother making blankets?  They are, without fail, horrid, never ending projects that i hate the sight of when i finally (years from now) finish.

All right I'm done being melodramatic.  In progress pic of my mom's birthday present.  It's a new lap blanket (lapghan?) since the last one I made her is getting quite ratty.  Her birthday is at the end of February so I'd better get cracking.  

By the way, I make blankets because so many scraaaaaappppss.

This will be my first time trying to link up to WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced.  Before this week I thought that it was merely the alliterative appeal that had so many people doing WIP Wednesday.  But no, duh, it's because there's a linky partay over there.


  1. Your quilt is going to be GREAT! Please go on and finish it! Scrap and string quilts are the best!!

  2. LOL! I used to think the same thing about WIP Wednesday and Design Wall Monday. I didnt realize there was a link-up.

    I used to think the same way about my scrap projects. I save all my scraps so I have alot, but I never seemed to get the look that others got. Then I realized that I needed to be more selective with my scraps. I only used bright scraps on the latest quilt.
