Saturday, August 25, 2012

penguin diapers

After soooo many several days of working on the Luka Hoodie I needed a quick instant gratification project.  Oh, and I also need more diapers.  So today I whipped up 6 cloth prefold diapers.  I've been using the tutorial here but I've made some changes so here's how I do it.

First I cut the outer pieces and the soaker pad.  I forgot to get a picture of the outer but it's just a rectangle that's 25 x 15 inches.  The soaker pad is the same idea but it's 5 x 14 inches.  

Soaker pads
Obviously I used the leftover flannel I used to line the Luka Hoodie.  Since it's a pretty thin flannel I used 4 pieces for each soaker pad.  (Actually several of the diapers have old dish towels surrounded by some leftover jersey from this top).  The great news about this is that that sheet is pretty well done.  I'm making an effort to actually work through some of my stash so 1 sheet down!

Zig zag around the edges to prevent fraying and keep the layers together.
I only zig zag about 3/8" from the edge at the most and then trim close to the stitches. 

Fold the outer in half with short sides and right sides together.  Place the soaker pad on top of the open (short) edges, centered between top and bottom (long) edges.

A picture worth a thousand words
Sew along this edge about 1/2" from the edge.

Rearrange so that the soaker pad is in the center of the outer and press.

Now you'll be sewing the long edges closed.  Be sure to leave about 1/3 of one side open on the same side as the seam.  This will make it easier to insert a point turner when you flip the diaper inside out.

Do not sew down the edges of the soaker pad but keep your stitches close: about 1/4" away is just fine.

 It should look like this.  Note that the upper right corner is where our hole is.  Reach in and grab the opposite corner...

To flip the diaper inside out.  I use a yardstick, shoving it through the hole and into the corners like a point turner.  Not elegant by any means but it gets the job done.

Press flat making sure to turn the raw open edges under.  I like to use two pins on each side to secure the soaker pad in place.  Sew down the edge where the hole is; be sure to catch those open edges as well as the edges of the soaker.  I usually end up sewing about 1/4" or a little bit more from the edge.  Then sew down the other side, once again being sure to stitch down the edges of the soaker pad through the outer.

Finally sew down the long edges of the soaker pad.  You should be able to feel the edge and if you pull taught you can see where it ends.  I sew about 1/4" from the edge.

Sew down the other edge stitching in the ditch.  While I whip these diapers up pretty quickly without pinning or fussing I do find this is a good opportunity to practice this technique.

Et voila!  C'est magnifique.  At least as magnifique as a diaper is liable to get =)

So there you are: 6 diapers for $2.50

I highly recommend flannel for the diapers, but really any soft, absorbent natural fibers will do.  The same goes for the soaker pads; I usually use old hand towels and jersey scraps.  Now all you need are some diaper covers!

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